Who is the man I married?

Taylor Nunnally
3 min readJan 13, 2020

Often I feel that my husband never gets enough recognition. He is a behind the scenes kind of guy… a pick up my slack man… complete my failures type of guy. He works full time. He also is pursuing his dream of baseball. Around all that which is about 12 hours of his day he some how finds time to make me always feel number one. He finds time to worship God, to serve God and to share the love of God. He works for me when I can’t work… literally by taking my kids, that I nanny, places when I can’t. He also gets used as my therapist for days that are just too much for me. You know what else he does? Loves my family as his own (I get it were married he should) but let me tell you how false that is. Jonathan truly loves my family for who they are individually. He loves them in a drop anything at any moment kind of way. Hangs with my grandma in the hospital so she’s not alone type of love. Who cooks and cleans? My husband! There is nothing he won’t do. There is nothing he is too good for. He literally loves me unconditionally. He passionately works to always have peace in the house. He is a dream husband. I say all this to say… I am the woman I am because he is the man he is. God is the center of our marriage. I am able to be everything you see because of everything he is that you don’t see. Jonathan is a role model to young men because he truly somehow finds balance to life. Not to say he is perfect and doesn’t fail or mess up… but when he does he’s okay being called out and asking for help. When he makes a mistake he’s okay being told a different way that would have been better. However he definitely hears “you were right” more than I do. My husband leads by example. He does not expect anything that he wouldn’t expect of himsdelf. He doesn’t hold people to standards and he doesn’t hold grudges. He thinks deeper than anyone I know and I swear he knows everything. He learns everyday and retains it all. I don’t google I ask Jonathan. He’s also not afraid, on the rare occasion, to say he doesn’t know and go figure it out. Jonathan is a confident man who knows who his creator is and he loves everyday he’s blessed with. He’s hard on himself but because of the future he’s trying to make for our family. I truly love this man more than words can describe and I feel that it is important that he is recognized for everything people don’t see. God knows but I feel it is important for others to know. It’s okay to be the background guy… you may never be noticed for what you do but I bet you the people that need to see it will.

I am me because he is him.



Taylor Nunnally

Lover of life, people and relationships! Kindness is everything. I’m not just a regular nanny, I’m a cool nanny. My husband is my best friend.